Sales Opportunity Reporting made Easy with SAP Business One.
10 Jun 2014 | by Brett MundellIf you are managing a sales team you will know the importance of keeping up to date on all current sales opportunities. Using the SAP Business One sales opportunities module you can access the SAP Business One Sales Opportunity Reports.
Upon selecting the Sales Opportunity Report you wish to run, SAP Business One will next give you a Selection Criteria menu, allowing you to filter the data about to be presented on the report. The most common filters utilised is the Main Sales Employee (Emp.) allowing you to select individual or multiple Sales staff for reporting purposes.
Once the report has been rendered on screen, SAP Business One allows you to drill into individual lines where the yellow arrow is indicated. These drill downs will give you access to detailed sales opportunity information.
Utilising the menu across the top the selected data can easily be sent to;
– Preview
– Printed
– Emailed
– Fax
– Excel spreadsheet
– Adobe PDF
A special mention of the SAP Business One Opportunities Pipeline graphical report. This report allows you to get a quick overview of your sales opportunities in SAP Business One. The report can be filtered by business partner, sales employee, sales stage, date, amount and percentage closing. This means that a sales manager can filter all opportunities that are at “order” stage or “quotation” stage to get an accurate sales forecast.
The SAP Business One sales opportunity pipeline report allows you to “double click” and drill down to a more detailed view of your sales opportunities at each opportunity stage – lead, 1st meeting, order etc.
As you can see the SAP Business One sales opportunity reporting can give your sales manager access to real time sales opportunity information to help manage the sales team and sales opportunities in your business.
Brett has more than 20 years of business software sales and company management experience. Brett has been involved in more than 300 ERP projects. His passion is customer satisfaction, making sure every client is more than just satisfied. Brett wants our customers to be driven to refer their friends and peers because we offer the best services and technology available and because we exceeded their expectations.
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