SAP Business One Dashboards – KPI Reporting when and where you want
27 Aug 2012 | by Brett MundellSAP Business One offers Dashboard Reporting standard in the version 8.8+ SAP Business One Cockpit. SAP Business One delivers a number of standard dashboards and you can also write your own user defined SAP dashboards. The dashboards present graphical KPI (Key Performance Indicator) information. Dashboards currently available include: – customer receivables ageing, – cash flow forecast, – sales analysis, – purchase quotations and – service call reporting.
The dashboards have been available for some months now and we are getting some really positive feedback from customers who are using standard (SAP delivered) and their own user defined (developed by the reporting team at Leverage) dashboards. SAP Business One users have been especially impressed by the use of the dashboards with mobility (iPhone and iPad). This has provided our customers with the ability to check sales, finance and other operational KPI information when travelling, from home or at a customer site. All from the iPad or iPhone.
Imagine the power of dashboards delivered to your mobile phone. When you are travelling inter-state and you have an hour free at the airport you can check up on your latest sales figures or debtors ageing. Then create an activity using SAP Business One CRM for a team member back at the office to follow up on. SAP Business One mobility, dashboards and CRM – working together to make your life easier.
Brett has more than 20 years of business software sales and company management experience. Brett has been involved in more than 300 ERP projects. His passion is customer satisfaction, making sure every client is more than just satisfied. Brett wants our customers to be driven to refer their friends and peers because we offer the best services and technology available and because we exceeded their expectations.
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