SAP Business One payment wizard – helping you manage your cash flow
02 Oct 2012 | by Brett MundellSAP Business One offers a payment wizard to generate incoming and outgoing payment recommendations and bank transfers or cheques. This SAP Business One functionality offers you the ability to monitor and forecast payments to suppliers over any given period – a great insight into cash flow requirements for accounts payable. The SAP Business One payment wizard follows simple pre-defined steps and selection criteria to give the user the flexibility to choose relevant parameters – ingoing or outgoing payments, cheque and / or bank transfer, minimum payment amounts etc. Choose which business partners (suppliers) you want to pay and select all or only certain invoices for payment. SAP Business One will create a payment recommendation report (with drill down to source transaction).

Brett has more than 20 years of business software sales and company management experience. Brett has been involved in more than 300 ERP projects. His passion is customer satisfaction, making sure every client is more than just satisfied. Brett wants our customers to be driven to refer their friends and peers because we offer the best services and technology available and because we exceeded their expectations.
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