SAP Business One Version 9 – Purchase Order Requisitions
03 May 2013 | by Brett MundellSAP Business One version 9 includes new purchase order requisition functionality. This functionality allows the user to create an SAP Business One purchase order requisition / purchase order request.
The purchase order request will notify the purchasing department that a request for purchase has been made. Assume that Brett is working in the SAP Business One department at Leverage Technologies and wants to order 3 new IBM printers. Brett will go into the SAP Business One – purchasing – A/P menu and click on Purchase request. The purchase request document in SAP Business One Version 9 allows Brett to complete the required information –
What items does Brett want to purchase?
The required date for the purchased items?
The quantity of items being purchased?
The department for which the items are being purchased?
The item price and description.
When the purchase request document is added SAP Business One workflow will dictate the authorisation requirements for the document approval.
By clicking on the “send e-mail” button on the SA P Business One purchase request form the user will be notified when the purchase order or goods receipt PO is created.
SAP Business One Version 9 – creating a purchase order from the purchase order request
The SAP Business One version 9 purchase request report can be used to list all open purchase order requests. The user can right click on the item on the SAP Business One Purchase Request Report and get information related to the item including – inventory status, available to promise, alternative items, last prices report and discount group report. All of this information is very useful for the purchasing manager using SAP Business One version 9.
The purchasing manager can create a purchase order quotation or purchase order directly from the Purchase Request Report.
SAP Business One version 9 – consolidating purchase order requests into one purchase order quotation:
The purchase quotation generation wizard allows the purchasing department to consolidate purchase order quotations and purchase orders for multiple purchase requests of the same item.
SAP Business One Version 9 – Purchase Requests Demo.
Brett has more than 20 years of business software sales and company management experience. Brett has been involved in more than 300 ERP projects. His passion is customer satisfaction, making sure every client is more than just satisfied. Brett wants our customers to be driven to refer their friends and peers because we offer the best services and technology available and because we exceeded their expectations.
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