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Template ERP Requirements: Defining Your Implementation Checklist

ERP Requirements checklist template

Your ERP requirements have to be clearly defined prior to commencing the research and evaluation of your various ERP options.

If you have been tasked with gathering information about possible ERP options for your company and you are about to begin the research phase, follow the instructions below.

You can use this sample ERP requirements checklist to get an idea of what businesses like yours look for and what the ERP research process looks like. 

Defining your ERP requirements starts with understanding the vendor selection process

If you are evaluating ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions you will no doubt be bewildered by the number of choices available in the ERP market. Questions about Cloud vs On-premise, Tier 1, 2 and 3 products, web, E-commerce, EDI, paperless warehouse, choices of the database and a whole lot of other questions will need to be answered.

When evaluating ERP solutions, it is important that you have a process in place for vendor selection.

This process should include a structure that has an emphasis on running a complete evaluation including:

More information about the appropriate ERP selection process is available here.

Let’s assume you are running the suggested ERP selection process. This is a somewhat formal structure to ensure downstream implementation success. However, you will still require a level of detail associated with defining the functional and technical ERP requirements.

Here are some ideas to get your thinking started with the ERP requirements definition process for your business.

Defining your business’ ERP requirements: sample checklist

We need to start our ERP selection process by looking internally within the business to answer questions about what functionality our business requires from the ERP system.

This starts at a high level and then drills down into each functional area of requirement:

What do we want to achieve by implementing a new ERP solution? It’s always worthwhile to ask the question – what does success look like for our business? In 6 or 12 months’ time, when we have successfully implemented a new ERP solution, how will our business look like?

When considering a new ERP solution, you will want to prepare your ERP requirements list. The below items (whilst not comprehensive) represent the sort of functionality you might be looking for.


Technical requirements

Consider Cloud vs On-premise, mobility and other technical requirements. A sample list of technical questions includes:


Finance requirements

Your ERP questions as they relate to the financial modules should focus on financial reporting, ATO compliance, management reporting, timely processing of information and automation of tasks:


Distribution requirements

Focus your questions on purchasing, inventory management and logistics.

For more information on how Enterprise Resource Planning is typically used in the wholesale distribution industry, check our video case study.


Manufacturing requirements

Focus on manufacturing planning and resource allocation. Consider the following sample ERP requirements for manufacturing businesses:

For more information on how Enterprise Resource Planning is typically used in the manufacturing industry, check our video case study.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) requirements

Focus on the sales and marketing process. There is a wide range of CRM and sales functionality available, from the very basic to the complex.


Reporting requirements

Reporting and analytics are key for most businesses looking to streamline their decision-making process and become proactive about their strategy. Consider reporting requirements such as:



It’s important to run a structured process of ERP selection to ensure success for your business. To do this, you need to define what success looks like for your organisation in the short, medium and long-term.

In this article, we have given some recommendations on what to consider when choosing your ERP requirements. This is a key step that businesses looking to implement a new system should take prior to beginning the selection process.

A Leverage Technologies we have been implementing helping Australian businesses choosing and implementing Enterprise Resource Planning for over a decade.

For more information or to speak to a consultant near you today, call 1300 045 046 or email

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