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Does my business need an ERP solution?

How do you know when your business is ready for an ERP solution or needs to replace an existing, possibly outdated solution? ERP solutions should be implemented to save time, improve customer service, give better, more accurate reporting to help with decision making and to help streamline business processes. If your current systems don’t achieve

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What does it cost to implement an ERP solution?

ERP solutions can be implemented for relatively small businesses or large multi nationals. The team at Leverage Technologies had been involved in 3,000 day implementations and 3 day implementations (and everything in-between). We think the real question should be – “how do I scope an ERP implementation to ensure that I get an accurate assessment

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Should I choose agile or waterfall ERP implementation methodologies?

There are multiple implementation methodologies that can be used to implement an ERP solution. Your choice of implementation methodology will depend on several factors – the size of your company, your functional requirements, internal resource capability and time availability are a few factors to consider. More detail about implementation structure and methodology can be found

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Fixed price or do and charge – which is best for ERP implementations?

It depends on the nature of the work, the implementation timeframes, the organization and resources available. Let’s explore in more detail…this blog post has the information that you need.

Cloud or on premise – which is best for my business?

The team gets asked this question on a daily basis. Cloud sounds good – a monthly, low cost and all of my infrastructure challenges are outsourced. Wait – it’s not that simple. There are 10 key questions to ask before deciding on cloud vs on premise. At the end of the day cloud is perfect

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Which is the right ERP Solution for my business?

There is no single right or wrong answer to choosing the right or wrong ERP solution. Choosing the right ERP solution for your business is a process that requires structure – a methodology. Obviously there will be a difference between choosing an ERP solution for a small business with limited complexity and a much larger

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