Tag Archives: SBO

SAP Business One Sales Features

In Part one of the sales features for SAP Business One blog we explored the features of the ‘Item Availability Check’ in Business One marketing documents. Two features were left to cover in this instalment – ‘Change to Earliest Availability’ and ‘Display Available-to-Promise Report’

I have used the same IBM printer as in the previous Business One blog but this time I need it from warehouse 01. As you can see from the screenshot below I do not have sufficient available to fulfil this order. What is different however is that there is now a date populated in the ‘Earliest Available’ field. That means that I can select from within SAP Business One the ‘Change to Earliest Availability’ option which will change the deliver date on that line to ‘12/10/10’.

SAP Business One




SAP Business One calculated that earliest available date with the ‘Available to Promise’ Feature in SAP Business One version 8.8. We can explore that calculation and the detail behind it by selecting the ‘Display Available-to-Promise Report’ from the list of options. If we do so we are shown the popup window below:

As you can see the system lists in delivery date order all of the outgoing (committed) movements and incoming (ordered) movements. The ‘available’ column represents a rolling balance of the available stock calculated by adding and subtracting the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’ to the stock physical balance. The document types are prefixed to show at a glance what they are (OR – sales order, PO – Purchase Order, PW – Production Order). The user can also use the orange drill down arrow to access the document and get more detail.

Thanks for reading – I will be posting additional SAP Business One Blogs next week.

Creating a query in SAP Business One – Part three

Part three- the final part of my blog –  Creating a query in SAP Business One:

Press the next button to move to step 5 of the wizard. This section shows the SQL syntax created by the wizard which will be used to interrogate the database. As users become more advanced with SQL queries, the query can be directly typed rather than generated – that is purely optional. Clicking the ‘Finish’ button will display our report on screen. The syntax is shown again in the top window and can be edited there. We can export this report to Excel by using the standard Excel icon on the SBO toolbar.

SAP Business One Screenshot









This brief tutorial shows how simple it is to extract information customised to the end users requirements directly from SAP Business One. This information can then be formatted in the print layout designer or simply saved as a query which can be viewed on demand.

Thanks for reading – I hope you found this series of three blogs useful. I am in the process of putting together multiple blogs on other technical areas of SAP Business One. Follow the Leverage team on twitter @Leveragetech to get regular updates.

Creating a SAP Business One SQL Query – Part One

This is part one of my two-part series on creating a basic query in SAP Business One. Over the next few months, I will be providing regular tips and tricks on some of the great functions and features available to users.

Many users of SAP Business One (SBO) are unaware that there is a powerful and simple query generator available within the standard product. The query wizard and the associated query generator are tools that make it easy for authorised users to extract information from the company databases.

There are many reasons why companies would want to query the database but generally, the requirement is to produce a view of the data that does not exist in one of the standard reports offered by SAP or to present the data in a customised format.

Take for example the common requirement to extract a customer listing main contact details. This is a simple task using the query wizard. Let’s take a look how SAP supports this requirement.

The first thing to do is identify the names of the database fields that we want to extract in our query. This is made simple by asking the SAP client to show ‘System Information’. To do this, drop down the ‘View’ menu from within the SBO client and select the ‘System Information’ option so that it shows a tick as indicated in the screenshot below:

Enabling the ‘system Information’ option allows the easy identification of field names and tables in the database simply by moving the mouse over the required data in the SBO screen. Identifying the data names and tables in the database is the most difficult part of the query so SBO has already facilitated the bulk of the report creation activity.

The screenshot below illustrates how this process works. First, move the mouse over the field in SAP Business One and then look in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen to see the information provided by the system about that field.

We can repeat this process by moving the mouse over all the fields that we would like to see in the proposed query and making notes of the field and table names.

Once that process is complete we are ready to create our query. The most accessible tool to do this is the Query Wizard. This can be accessed by dropping down the  ‘Tools’ Menus from the SBO client and selecting queries à Query Wizard as shown below.

Another three steps to go….I will finish the blog with these steps early next week.